jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

The Emperor's Club

Mr Hundert proved to be a teacher able to encourage their students to give or be able to perform to fulfill goals, all his students were motivated because he creates an atmosphere of friendship and an environment in which everyone can feel free to give their opinion as well.

Some values were applied by Mr Hundert, he realize that he not only teaches a subject to them but that they are young people with a whole life ahead that in the future would take an important positions in society.

William Hundert has very clear his moral values ​​and knows that when you plant with dedication, effort and commitment everyone can get good results, but in some way he felt guilty because he fail one of his students for allowing cheating in a contest by the pressure of the powerful and influent father that this student had.

I would encourage my students to give their best as well but i would never change one of the grades just to one of my students feels more motivated and tried to success as well, because students needs to be treated equally, you can not have a preference just by one not even because one member of his family its powerful or influent in a way. you as a teacher need to be straight with your decisions and be professional too because your are teaching or promoting education you need to have values and ethical behavior at least with your students!

4 comentarios:

  1. I wouldn't have changed Sedgewick's grades either. I'm glad to hear you think the same way!
    I agree, ALL students need to be treated equally.
    Will this be one of your commandments?

  2. Marlon I also agree with you,I think that Mr.Hundert was an excellent teacher with many values. And as you, I would be equal with all my students and I know that one of the most important things as a teacher is to make your students to feel motivated.

  3. I must say i totally agree with you i would not have changed this student grades, not fair and not honest, and in the other hand even knowing he also cheated he made other good things for example he made his students realise how important life is and how to become better humans :) so he gave them values, as you said it is more important than money or than to be influyent or powerfull, everyone is equal!! :))

  4. I agree that Mr. Hundert´s morals were very strong in his life, that´s why he feels so terrible after cheating. I think he even gets to the point in which he questions himself and his motives as a teacher. I think even though he has that moment of "moral questioning" the impression and example he set for his students was great!
